OrdinaRy things I hear a phantom knock 'do I?' After heavy ghost steps resonate throughout, no one appears waiting for the dead of night 'is it only 4 in the afternoon?' December dreaming-- it's delusion or derision strange things creep in the long night wind threatens to cut us in half trees thrown about like toothpicks by some callous GIANT-- I hear you knocking-- I am trying. I am listening to your call- but when I rise you blast me in the face so hard i bruise the light whimpers one last meagre flicker before the return to cold blackness of original time gravity plays tricks marbles bounce, the animals vanish, buildings tumble like the last careless round of jenga The cat sniffs the imaginary stranger that has settled in my bones, taking uncomfortable residence poking at my discontent. I serve it cold tea. c. Dec 2018 n.hoeppner
April 2024